How to Get the Best Shave? Shaving Foam, Cream or Gel

should i use shaving foam

Shaving is a very skin-damaging task that most men have to comply with on a day-to-day basis. No matter how carefully you shave, there is still a chance of razor burns if you don’t apply anything on the skin. And then you would ask – should I use shaving foam?

Especially those with sensitive skin are at higher risk of getting cuts, and skin irritation. That’s why using a shaving lubricant is a must to protect your skin. It acts as a barrier between your skin and the razor and keeps your skin from drying by adding a layer of moisture.

With an abundance of shaving solutions in the market, one is bound to get confused when it comes to choosing between shaving cream, foam, and gel. What you chose is highly dependent on your beard, personal preference, and shaving habits.

Your face, skin type, and the sensitivity at which you feel is different from others too. Let’s take a look at shaving options available to you and compare them so you can decide which one you should use.

Difference Between Shaving Foam, Cream, and Gel

For most men there might not be a huge difference because they all are used for the same purpose and it’s just lather, shave, clean, and repeat until you have a clean face. However, despite serving the same purpose, there are actually appreciable differences between them. Let’s take a look.

Shaving Foam

Shaving lubes that come in an aerosol can are called shaving foam. It is basically a brushless shaving cream that contains a large amount of air to create a nice lather that sits on the top of the skin and gives a smooth and comfortable shave. It provides instant light lather with an excellent texture that reforms in your hands and easy to rinse away.

Shaving Cream

Shaving cream is a shaving lube that’s thicker than foam and typically contains better ingredients. Instead of sitting on the top, it penetrates the hair follicles making your skin naturally moisturized while keeping the debris from clogging up the follicles. Shaving cream helps soften the beard beads leaving them soft and easier to cut. It creates a thin layer of protection between the blade and leaves the skin for a more comfortable shave.  your skin feeling soothed and refreshed afterward.

Shaving Gel

Shaving gel is a transparent lubricant that can be applied without water and does not foam up. It has enhanced lubricants and provides richer lather for more razor glide to protect your skin. It adds a protective layer and tends to be more lubricating allowing your skin to stay moisturized. Mostly barbers prefer shaving gel over shaving foam and cream as it allows them to see which hair portion is being cleaned away so you never miss a spot.

Is Shaving Foam Better Than Shaving Cream?

People often compare shaving foam with shaving creams which is not a valid comparison. Shaving foams and creams lie in the same category. Both have few positive and negative sides to them and it’s totally up to you which one you like better. Let’s talk about the differences between both and compare them in terms of performance, time, quality, ease of use, and cost.

·      Lather

No matter what you choose, either shaving foam or cream, they’ll all give smooth frothy lather. But shaving foam creates much more luxurious lather than shaving creams that will help you have a more comfortable shave. Shaving cream lather lacks a distinctive and airy appearance like foam and it takes more time to be made.

·      Waterless Shave

If you are in a hurry don’t have enough time to create lathers with water, shaving foam is your best friend as you don’t need any water to shave and can use it straight out of the can. On the other hand, shaving cream requires water, a brush, and a bowl to be used that can be a hassle when you want a quick shave.

·      Lubricating

Shaving foams create a thin layer on your skin and don’t penetrate the skin which means they are only good at lubricating the surface. Creams on the other hand have a denser formula and quickly penetrates the hair follicles leaving them soft and ready to be shaved.

·      Moisturizing

Shaving foam hydrates the skin and leaves it to be supple and super soft to touch but they are alcohol-based which can make the skin extremely dry after prolonged use. Shaving cream, on the other hand, is made of natural ingredients that nourish the skin and keeps it hydrated and healthy.

·      Protection

Shaving foam creates a thin protective layer of lather between the razor and your skin that surely provide some degree of protection from friction, redness, and irritation, but just one wrong cut and you’re in for a whole lot of bleeding. Also, when you apply shaving foam on your face, the hair is being slightly pressed against your skin that increases the risk of getting razor burn. On the other hand, shaving cream has a denser formula that provides extra protection and helps the razor easily swipe across the skin without any razor burns.

·      Ease of Use

Shaving foam is unarguably the easiest to use and would be a great pick if you don’t like spending too much time shaving your whiskers. It is quick light, and easy to apply and creates frothy lather in no time which makes it the most viable option for men on the go. On the other hand, shaving cream also creates a thick and creamy lather but there is one crucial thing to consider, time!

·      Cost

The cost of shaving lubricant is the biggest concern for many. Aerosol cans of shaving foams are usually quite cheaper and last longer if used adequately. On the contrary, shaving cream costs a little higher than foams. It is made with natural ingredients which makes it costly than shaving foam.

So, which one is better, shaving foam or cream?

To conclude this section, I’d recommend shaving foam. Like I mentioned earlier, the choice is subjective and different forever man. If you like a more smooth and clean shaving experience with moisturized skin, you should go with shaving cream but if you’re looking for a convenient route to your everyday shaving routine, shaving foam might be a better option. Just give them both a try and take your pick!

How to Use Shaving Foam?

Out of all shaving lubricants, shaving foam is the easiest to use. When applied properly it quickly creates a glide on your morning stubbly face. The best part about shaving foam is that there’s pretty much no fuss about its application. All you need is a little smart technique to get the best out of it and prevent razor burns, scrapes, and bumps. Now that we have established that we have to use the shaving form, let’s see how to use it properly to get the best results.

Prepping your Skin

If you have a thick and tough beard, it sometimes gets complicated to get rid of every single hair from your face with shaving foam, that’s why you need to soften up the whiskers before you start shaving. Warm water works best in opening up the pores and softening the hair. Soak a face towel in warm water and apply it to your face for around 30 seconds. It will help soften and loosen the hair and it will come out easily. Another way to do it is by applying a moisturizer, as it penetrates deep into the skin, softens up the hair, and provides better glide.

How to Apply Shaving Foam?

  • After your skin is fully prepped, rinse your face and take a small amount of shaving foam on your palm.
  • Spread the foam evenly on your beard and neck to create a fine layer of foam using your hand.  
  • Apply another thicker layer and make sure to uniformly cover all the sections.
  • Apply in small amounts or it will fall all over your sink.
  • Leave the foam on your face for about a minute or so and let it do its work before getting on with shaving.

How to Shave with Shaving Foam?

People often complain about shaving foams not giving good results, but this is mainly the result of poor technique. By following these steps, you can have a perfect and comfortable shaving experience.

  • Always use a good razor to ensure a clean and close shave every time.
  • For the top section of your beard, start shaving from the top to the edge of your jawline in long and even strokes.
  • To shave the chin and neck, shave from the bottom of the neck in the upward direction to prevent cuts and bumps.
  • For a closer shave, pull your skin taut with the other hand.
  • To shave the upper lip, stretch it over your front teeth to tighten the skin and shave in a downward direction.
  • Rinse your razor after few strokes to keep it getting clogged up with hair and debris.
  • Wash the excess shaving foam with water, and shave the remaining sections with a wet razor.